Youth Massage

Using light to medium pressure and calming techniques, promote relaxation and comfort for young clients.


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What Is A Youth Massage?

A youth massage is a massage specifically designed for youth. Age range can vary, but youth who are 9-18 years old and even younger, can be considered for this type of massage. The massage techniques that are used, are closely related to a Swedish massage. Youth have smaller bodies, muscles, and bones, compared to an adult, therefore; light to medium pressure is applied during a youth massage. Effleurage (long, gliding strokes of the muscles), petrissage (a kneading motion of the muscles), and slow circular motions are some of the massage techniques that are used in a youth massage. The massage therapist should communicate with the youth doing the massage session to make sure that the pressure being applied is not too much. The massage session should be explained to the youth in details. The massage therapist should encourage the youth that if they have any questions, not to be afraid to ask. Comfort for the client should be a primary goal when a youth massage is performed.

What Are The Benefits Of A Youth Massage?

The benefits of a youth massage are many. Most youth are highly active in sports and other activities that can take a toll on their young bodies. Many of these youth experience minor and major injuries when involved in these activities. A youth massage can help to relieve pain that is associated with these minor injuries. Youth normally begin working out as they attempt to increase their strength and endurance. New exercises, weight lifting programs, and running often lead to muscle soreness as the young muscles adjust to these new activities. Youth massages can aid in the recovery process by decreasing soreness that develops in the muscles. Youth massages also have the ability to increase flexibility. Not all youth are involved in sports. Sometimes youth become stressed because of school activities and the pressure that comes with experiencing new things. Massage not only has the ability to reduce stress for an adult, but a youth massage can also help to alleviate stress in a youth. The same benefits that an adult receive from a massage are the same benefit that a youth can receive from a youth massage. Stress relief, pain relief, and an overall sense of well-being are benefits of a youth massage.

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Youth Massage Therapy Near Ridgeland/Jackson/Madison, MS

Will I Benefit From Youth Massage?

If you have a youth, your child would benefit from a youth massage. Young athletes that are involved in sports or any other activity, can improve their overall performance through massage. Muscle soreness and other aches and pains that comes along with working out and growing in general (such as growing pains)can be relieved through youth massage. Youth also get stressed. They also experience depression. A youth massage is a great way to relieve stress and improve a youth overall sense of well-being.

Why Shouldn’t I Get A Youth Massage?

A youth shouldn’t get a massage if they have medical issues that will prevent them from getting a massage. Youth who have uncontrolled high blood pressure should also avoid getting a youth massage. The same conditions that would prevent an adult from getting a massage, would also prevent a youth from getting a youth massage.

Youth Massage Therapy Near Ridgeland/Jackson/Madison, MS
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What To Expect When Receiving This Service?

The process of the Swedish massage is the same process that will take place in a youth massage. Oil, lotion, or cream is used as light to medium pressure is applied. Parents are encouraged and welcomed to watch and ask while the massage session is being performed. Comfort is priority when performing a youth massage.

What Is The Length Of A Youth Massage Session?

A youth massage session can last from 30 minutes up to an hour. This is enough time to adequately address a youth problem area.

Youth Massage Therapy Near Ridgeland/Jackson/Madison, MS